Algo flota en la laguna appears on Obras Cumbres album by Pescado Rabioso

Pescado Rabioso playing Algo flota en la laguna

Algo flota en la laguna by Pescado Rabioso is their #11 most played live song, this song was played in 3 out of 8 shows, with a probability of 37.5% to listen to it live , has been covered over the years by 4 Artists

You can try search terms such as: Centro Cultural Kirchner
Listening Probability 25 % Latest concert 51 years ago
Algo flota en la laguna
Algo flota en la laguna by Pescado Rabioso is their #11 most played live song, this song was played in 3 out of 8 shows, with a probability of 37.5% to listen to it live since its debut at Teatro Odeón on July 1, 1972, until his latest show at Colegio David Wolfson de Belgrano on August 8, 1972
Pescado Rabioso
3 Concerts
As Encore
Probability as encore
Opens With
Starts playing
Closes With
Closes playing

Artists Who Have Covered the Song Algo flota en la laguna, Originally Written by Pescado Rabioso

Discover all remarkable renditions of an iconic song, Algo flota en la laguna by Pescado Rabioso has been covered by notable artists, including Elefante Guerrero Psíquico Ancestral, Invisible, Horcas and Various Artists