Vem quente que eu estou fervendo appears on 50 Anos de Estrada (Ao Vivo no Theatro Municipal) album by Erasmo Carlos

Erasmo Carlos playing Vem quente que eu estou fervendo

Vem quente que eu estou fervendo by Erasmo Carlos is their #5 most played live song, this song was played in 17 out of 39 shows, with a probability of 43.59% to listen to it live , has been covered over the years by 6 Artists

Artists Who Have Covered the Song Vem quente que eu estou fervendo, Originally Written by Erasmo Carlos

Discover all remarkable renditions of an iconic song, Vem quente que eu estou fervendo by Erasmo Carlos has been covered by notable artists, including DUDA BEAT, Maria Bethânia, Jota Quest, Various Artists and Biafra