Colectivo Cantata Rock Preludio instrumental appears on Cantata Santa María de Iquique (Remasterizado 2014) album by Quilapayún

Colectivo Cantata Rock playing Preludio instrumental

Preludio instrumental (Quilapayún cover) 54 Years Later: Colectivo Cantata Rock's 'Preludio instrumental' Played for the First Time Since 'Cantata Santa María de Iquique (Remasterizado 2014)' Debut on November 20, 1970! , has been covered over the years by 1 Artist

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21 Concerts
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Artists Who Have Covered the Song Preludio instrumental, Originally Written by Quilapayún

Discover all remarkable renditions of an iconic song, Preludio instrumental by Quilapayún has been covered by notable artists, including Colectivo Cantata Rock