Interpol photo

Match between 2 concerts by Interpol

Setlists songs comparison between Interpol concerts, this 2 concerts sums up to 18 distinct songs, 16 shared songs and 2 special songs, resulting this setlists until 5.88% distinct between each one of this shows

Match results

Between this 2 concerts ( Autódromo Hermanos Rodríguez on November 17, 2019 and Teatro Caupolicán on November 21, 2019 ) sums up to 34 songs in total — all songs included on all this setlists summed, even if they are repeated— , with 18 unique songs — distinct songs— , 16 shared songs — songs that were played/replayed on more than half of events— and 2 special songs — songs that were played/replayed on less than half of events— , resulting this setlists until 5.88% distinct between each one of this shows


Filter by albums

  • Turn On The Bright Lights

    Turn On The Bright Lights #1 position, with 13 Songs, 38.24%

  • Antics

    Antics #2 position, with 11 Songs, 32.35%

  • Marauder

    Marauder #3 position, with 6 Songs, 17.65%

  • Our Love To Admire

    Our Love To Admire #4 position, with 4 Songs, 11.76%