Ray Charles photo

Match between 2 concerts by Ray Charles

Setlists songs comparison between Ray Charles concerts, this 2 concerts sums up to 4 distinct songs, 0 shared songs and 4 special songs, resulting this setlists until 100% distinct between each one of this shows

Match results

Between this 2 concerts ( Greek Theatre on May 23, 2003 and Fenway Park on April 11, 2003 ) sums up to 4 songs in total — all songs included on all this setlists summed, even if they are repeated— , with 4 unique songs — distinct songs— , 0 shared songs — songs that were played/replayed on more than half of events— and 4 special songs — songs that were played/replayed on less than half of events— , resulting this setlists until 100% distinct between each one of this shows


Filter by albums

  • The Genius Hits The Road

    The Genius Hits The Road #1 position, with 1 Song, 25.00%

  • The Genius Of Ray Charles

    The Genius Of Ray Charles #2 position, with 1 Song, 25.00%

  • The Genious of Soul - Ray Charles

    The Genious of Soul - Ray Charles #3 position, with 1 Song, 25.00%

  • Ray Charles Forever

    Ray Charles Forever #4 position, with 1 Song, 25.00%